detached dwelling located on a residential property, offering a versatile and independent living space. Commonly referred to as a Mother-in-law suite, this structure provides a separate residence within close proximity to the main home. The term Guest Cottage is often used to describe this charming additional dwelling, highlighting its welcoming and hospitable nature.
Plan Features
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
Front & Back Patio
Metric Room SizesBed1: 3.3 x 3.0
Bed2: 3.0 x 3.0
Living Room: 4.0 x 3.6
Metric Area Sizes
Living Area: 59.0 m2
Back Patio: 13.7 m2
Front Patio: 14.3 m2
Total Area: 87.0 m2
Room Sizes Feet & Inches
Bed 1: 10' 9” x 9 ' 9”
Bed 2: 8' 9” x 9 ' 9”
Living Area: 13' 2” x 11' 11”
Areas Feet & Inches
Living Area: 635 Sq. Ft
Back Patio: 147 Sq. Ft
Front Patio: 154 Sq. Ft
Total Area: 936 Sq. Ft
59.0 m2 | 635 Sq Ft | 2 Bed | 1 Bath | 59.9 Vintage Vista
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